General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions aim to regulate the business relationship between the users of the platform and Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating (OMBROS LLC, Del Maestro 1416, Asuncion, 1849, Barrio Villa Morra, Paraguay). They form the basis of a contract within the scope of participation in the meeting opportunities offered on www.Tinfoil Hat Dating/ (partner search, friendship search, emigration, job exchange, and other functions).


These general terms and conditions (GTC) apply to all registered users on www.Tinfoil Hat Dating/, the associated subdomains, and the various international domains that belong to and link to the Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating website.


Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is a contact platform for people with certain interests and lifestyles. The service provided by Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating relates in particular to the mediation of social networking.

2.1. The platform allows its members to create profiles and view other member profiles.

2.2. The platform provides members with various communication tools such as messaging functions to contact other members.

2.3. The operator of the platform reserves the right to change, expand, or restrict the services offered at any time.


Before using the platform, a profile must be created. To create a profile, the GTC of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating must be accepted.


To create a profile or access or use the services and the systems used for it, the user must meet the following criteria:

3.1.1 By registering on the platform and creating a profile, the user declares that they have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions. In addition, only persons who have reached the age of 18 may register with Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating.

3.1.2 Each member may only create one account and is responsible for keeping their access data confidential. Sharing access data with third parties is prohibited.

3.1.3 In individual cases, profiles may be deactivated or deleted by the operator, particularly if there is suspicion of fake profiles or potential spam profiles.

3.1.4 The platform operator expressly requires all members to present themselves with at least one photo where their face is recognizable in their profiles. Profile pictures showing dogs, cats, or other animals are not accepted. Likewise, cars, motorcycles, landscapes, or other images that suggest the uploaded depiction is not the user of the profile do not meet the specified criteria. If a user still uses such a profile picture and refuses to change the picture after repeated requests from the platform operator, the operator reserves the right to deactivate the profile. A refund of the membership fee is excluded in such a case.


Members have the right to terminate their membership at any time. To delete a profile, the user must log in, go to settings, select “My Membership,” then “Delete Account” and “Delete Account (irreversibly!).” The profile will then be deleted immediately, no longer accessible, and cannot be found by other members or restored.

3.3 DELETION OF PROFILES BY Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating

The operator of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to delete or block any profile. Furthermore, Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating reserves the right to terminate or block profiles without prior notice, e.g., in the event of a violation of the GTC or for other reasons that, at Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating’s sole discretion, justify the termination of the profile. If a profile is terminated or blocked, it is agreed that no refund will be made for paid services or functions that have already been paid for.


Please note that upon termination of these conditions, the subscription will continue for the already paid period, and there is no entitlement to a refund.


All content available on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is either:

  • provided by Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating (including but not limited to database(s) and/or software) (content from Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating) or

  • uploaded and provided by users as part of profile creation, primarily profile pictures and texts (user content).

4.1 CONTENT FROM Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating

All non-user-generated content on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating, such as texts, graphics, images, user interfaces, trademarks, and logos, are the intellectual property of the platform operator. Databases are the property of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating or its licensors. This content is controlled, licensed, and protected by copyrights, trademarks, database rights, and other intellectual property rights. All rights to this content are always reserved by Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating.

No derivative works or products may be created from Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating content, nor may content be scraped, analyzed, or otherwise commercially used in whole or in part. Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating content may only be used for lawful purposes.

When uploading content to Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating servers, the user warrants having the necessary rights and licenses to do so and grants Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating the right to a free, perpetual, non-exclusive, and worldwide license to use this content on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating. The individual user does not own any rights to the content of other users. Personal information of other Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating users may only be used within the scope of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating’s goal as a meeting platform. Data of other users may not be used for commercial purposes, especially not for sending spam.


The Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating user agrees that the content published in the member area of the platform can be seen by other users of the platform.


The following content is not allowed on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating and may lead to the deletion or restriction of profiles:

  • Offensive, insulting, discriminatory, or threatening content

  • Language or images containing insults

  • Pornographic, obscene, violent, or otherwise content violating human dignity

  • Content showing other persons without their consent

  • Content violating the rights of third parties

  • Content promoting any illegal activities

  • Content referring to commercial activities and/or can be classified as spam

  • Pretending to be another person / fake profiles

  • Political statements or positioning towards specific parties, of any direction, in the “public” forums is not desired


The following rights and obligations apply to all registered users on the Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating platform. Violations can lead to the deletion or restriction of profiles:

  • Users must provide their real age when creating the profile, upload only real photos, and not make false statements regarding vaccination status or other details.

  • Users must upload at least one profile picture where they can be recognized (see also point 3.1.4).

  • Users may not discriminate, insult, or harass other users.

  • In all forums and groups visible to all members, political discussions or expressions of opinion are prohibited.

  • Users may not refer to offers, such as products or services, in their profile texts or direct messages where a clear profit motive is evident.

  • Users may not solicit other users and refer them to other dating platforms.

  • The user is solely responsible for their behavior and activities on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating. This includes all content, texts, comments, images, videos, and publications shared using their profile on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating.

  • The user is responsible and liable for any possible damages that may occur when meeting another Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating user.

  • The user accepts that there are the following limitations to using their account to protect against spam:

  • A maximum of 500 profiles of other members can be viewed per day (reset every 24 hours).

  • A maximum of 10 conversations per day (reset every 24 hours) can be started with other profiles.

  • Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating has no control over the statements and actions of other users. Therefore, each user is responsible for their interactions with other users on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating.

  • The user agrees to indemnify and hold Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating and its successors harmless from any claims, demands, damages, losses, rights, and actions of any kind. This includes property damage, personal injury, and deaths resulting directly or indirectly from the behavior and interactions of other Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating users.


The user accepts that based on their profile information, targeted advertising banners from third parties may be displayed.


The collection, use, and sharing of personal data on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is regulated in the Privacy Policy.


8.1 A purchase can be made using the following payment methods (payment method): PayPal (via PayPal payment, credit card payment, or bank transfer). When a purchase is made, Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is authorized by the buyer to charge their selected payment method. If Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating does not receive the payment with the selected payment method, the buyer agrees to pay all due amounts immediately upon request.

8.2 Paid memberships are automatically renewed after the 12-month term until the user terminates the membership. Please note that upon termination of these conditions, the subscription will continue for the already paid period, and there is no entitlement to a refund.

8.3 Fees for purchases are non-refundable. Furthermore, partially unused periods for subscriptions will not be refunded or credited.


Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating makes no explicit or implicit warranty for its content – both from Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating and its users. This includes and without exception the suitability for a particular purpose, ownership rights, and non-infringement of applicable law.

Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating makes no guarantee for the uninterrupted, secure, error-free, or user-expected functionality of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating, nor for the correctness, accuracy, or reliability of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating, its content, or the content of the users. The use of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is at one’s own risk. Each user is responsible for their interactions with other users. Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating is not responsible for the behavior of any user.

The Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating team strives to implement reasonable security measures to protect data. However, the website cannot guarantee absolute security. In the event of hacks, database leaks, or illegal publication of user data on the internet, the website operator assumes no liability for resulting damages or losses.

The user acknowledges that transmitting information over the internet is associated with certain risks and that the website cannot assume responsibility for the security of the transmitted data.


The user is responsible for all their actions and published information on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating. Therefore, the user agrees to indemnify and hold Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating and its partners, licensors harmless concerning any liability or damage claims and other demands, actions, lawsuits, losses, costs, and expenses caused directly or indirectly by any of the following:

  • Access and use of Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating by the user;

  • Uploading or distributing content via Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating by the user;

  • Negligent acts, omissions, or willful misconduct by the user;

  • Violation of these GTC by the user;

  • Violation of laws or the rights of third parties by the user.


If a user believes that content on Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating infringes on the copyright of one of their works, they can report this infringement via the contact form to Tinfoil Hat Dating/Aluhutdating.


All provisions of these GTC are to be interpreted to be valid and enforceable under applicable law. If a single provision of these GTC is unenforceable or invalid under applicable law, it will only be invalid to the extent that it is unenforceable or invalid, and will otherwise be replaced by an enforceable and valid provision that most closely matches the legal and economic objective of the invalid provision. All other provisions of these GTC remain effective and binding. This also applies in the event of contractual gaps.


The website operator reserves the right to change these GTC at any time. Changes take effect after a reasonable period, unless terminated without notice.


The law of the country where the website operator is based exclusively applies to disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC. The place of jurisdiction is the location of the platform operator.

Mission Statement

Aluhutdating versteht sich als reine Kommunikationsplattform für Menschen, die von der “toleranten” Mehrheitsgesellschaft ausgestoßen wurden/werden und auf der Suche nach Gleichgesinnten sind. Aluhutdating als Plattform, sowie das Team von Aluhutdating verfolgen keine politischen Interessen, noch tendieren sie in irgendeine politische Richtung!

Das Team von Aluhutdating fühlt sich keiner Partei, keiner Religion, keiner Sekte oder sektenähnlicher Struktur und auch keiner Bewegung zugehörig. Dies betrifft insbesondere: Rechte-, linke-oder konservative Parteien oder Bewegungen, Querdenken-Bewegung, Impfgegner, Impfverweigerer, Reichsbürger, QANON, Trump-Anhänger, Putin-Anhänger usw.

Politische Diskussion finden in den öffentlich zugänglichen Foren und Gruppen auf Aluhutdating nicht statt und werden vom Team aktiv unterbunden und gelöscht.

Mission Statement

Tinfoil Hat Dating (Aluhutdating) sees itself as a pure communication platform for people who have been/are being rejected by the “tolerant” majority society and are looking for like-minded people. Tinfoil Hat Dating as a platform, as well as the team of Tinfoil Hat Dating do not pursue political interests, nor do they tend in any political direction!

The team of Tinfoil Hat Dating does not feel affiliated to any party, religion, sect or sect-like structure and also no movement. This concerns in particular: Right-wing, left-wing or conservative parties or movements, lateral thinking movement, anti-vaccination, QANON, Trump supporters, Putin supporters, etc.

Political discussion does not take place in the publicly accessible forums and groups on Tinfoil Hat Dating and is actively prevented and deleted by the team.